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Programs & Retailers

California Directory: Find Modular, Manufactured, and Mobile Home Loans in California

Homebuyers in California don’t need to search high and low for manufactured housing. Let 21st Mortgage help you find loans on manufactured, mobile, and modular homes in California.

An example of a mobile home available in California

Mobile Homes for Sale in California

Use our programs and retailers directory below to find the perfect mobile, manufactured, or modular home in California for your budget. Affordable housing can be difficult to find sometimes, so let 21st Mortgage help you with our directory of dealers. Since you can often find deals on manufactured homes far lower than comparable stick-built homes, they make excellent starter homes, investments, or just more affordable housing alternatives.
  • Fixed rates
  • No pre-payment penalties
  • No land required
  • We finance homes located within a Park or Community
  • We finance new and used mobile homes
  • Homes can be on permanent or nonpermanent foundations
  • Homes can be primary, secondary, investment and "buy-for" (purchased for someone else)
  • We may finance closing costs and most third party fees

Major Markets:  

Housing Associations in California

State Licensing Disclosures

An applicant, if married, may apply for a separate account.

It is illegal to discriminate in the provision or availability of financial assistance for the purpose of the purchase, construction, rehabilitation or refinancing of any one- to four-unit family residence occupied by the owner and for the purpose of the home improvement of any one- to four-unit family residence by considering:

      1.  Trends, characteristics or conditions in the neighborhood or geographic area surrounding a housing accommodation, unless the financial institution can demonstrate in the particular case that such consideration is required to avoid an unsafe and unsound business practice; or
      2.  Race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry.

It is illegal to consider the racial, ethnic, religious or national origin composition of a neighborhood or geographic area surrounding a housing accommodation or whether or not such composition is undergoing change, or is expected to undergo change, in appraising a housing accommodation or in determining whether or not, or under what terms and conditions, to provide financial assistance.

These provisions govern financial assistance for the purchase, construction, rehabilitation or refinancing of one-to-four family residences occupied by the owner and for the purpose of the home improvement of any one-to-four-unit family residence.

If you have questions about your rights, or if you wish to file a complaint, contact 21st Mortgage Corporation or the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation at the following location:

California Dept. of Financial Protection and Innovation
Consumer Services Office
2101 Arena Boulevard
Sacramento, CA
(866) 275-2677 or (916) 327-7585