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21st Cares: What Happened and What's to Come

Giving back is a core part of the 21st Mortgage identity. 21st Cares is an initiative to support and encourage Team Members to take opportunities to give back. It provides time in the day to escape the busy work week and reflect on the needs of our Knoxville community.

In 2022, Team Members completed 1,839 hours of service at 17 organizations throughout the Knoxville community. That’s more than double the hours earned in 2021—a year limited by the COVID-19 pandemic. No matter the limitations, though, team members have found ways to give back, including a new monthly give back sponsored by the servicing department.

2022 21st Cares Summary

What’s Been Going On

2023 is off to a hot start with more than 150 impact hours recorded in January. Teams spent time at KARM Stores, Ladies of Charity, Wesley House, and Second Harvest. In February, 21st Team Members received opportunities to give back in a number of ways. For Valentine’s Day, Team Members showed appreciation to one another through the purchase of CandyGrams, with all proceeds going to support the Knoxville Love Kitchen.

Love Kitchen Donations

What’s to Come

The newly created Monthly Give Back has found success quickly. The first give back went to support a former 21st Mortgage Team Member who is battling Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” An outstanding $3,471 was received to support a member of our 21st Family.

21st Mortgage is proud to not only support, but encourage, all team members to take time out of their day to give back in a number of ways. For 2023, the team has accepted the challenge of giving back at least 2,000 hours.

Stay tuned to hear more about the 21st Cares achievements.

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